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BUCS Head Race Report

This weekend saw us head down to Gloucester for the much awaited BUCS head.

Day one brought the Novices biggest race yet. After the biggest portion of pasta the club had ever seen was scrammed at Rosanna’s house the night before, our Novs headed down to the race bright and early.

Despite the dreary morning, the sun shone through bringing some great results with it including a shiny silver medal for the women’s beginner quad, working wonders for our Christie Cup Scores.

Div 1:

MB8+: 6th WB4+: 17th WB4x: 2nd

Div 2: WB8+:10th MB4+(A):10th MB4+(B):19th MB4x: 9th

Day two was not so sunny, pretty much the opposite in fact, with what could only be described as a flood everywhere. Ponchos were flying and our rowers attempted to shelter as best they could whilst coxes brainstormed the best way to steer the tricky course best with the wind conditions.

Fear not, our seniors ventured on to the start line bringing back some great scores.


WInt8+: 14th

MInt4+: 13th

MInt4+: 11th

Unfortunately after this, very windy conditions made for unsafe racing conditions leaving division 3 and 4 cancelled and some very soggy rowers.

This week leaves us with a break before our next big Head at WeHoRR meaning testing for our rowers and a bit of a break before the madness begins again.

As always a massive thanks for all the friends and family that came along to support us, it means the world to hear some familiar voices as we battle to the end of the course. If you managed to take any photos we would love you to send them to us on any of our social media accounts so we can share them.

The photos from our Press Sec and that our rowers took throughout the day, as always are on our facebook page!

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