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Women's Head of the River Race

What an amazing weekend our Senior and Beginner Performance squads had!

The Beginners smashed their first ever race longer than 3k and the Seniors showed no fear to the Tideway. And as a plus the weather treated them all for their last Head race this season.

A day for the history books with the Senior eight placing 73rd, the best the club has done in recent years!

Our Senior Performance eights came 73rd and 171st overall with them coming 7th and 31st out of 49 crews in the Challenge Academic category.

The results prove how far we have come this Head season as both eights outperformed some of our usual competition.

The Beginner Performance eight came 213th overall and 15th in their category. They did impressively in a long and challenging race.

A massive congrats to everyone and the coxes who braved the Tideway and had great racing lines!


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